To setup Unifi controller as a service, Install Controller, Open Java 8 JDK.
Then from elevated command prompt cd to the installation dir.
Then execute
java -jar lib\ace.jar installsvc
to install the service
net start "Unifi Controller"
NOTE! All versions starting with 6.5.55 the service is now called just Unifi so:
net start Unifi
If you upgrade, you must uninstall then reinstall the service
for uninstallation
net stop "Unifi Controller"
NOTE! All versions starting with 6.5.55 the service is now called just Unifi so:
net stop Unifi
java -jar lib\ace.jar uninstallsvc
In addition to the above it may be good practice to move (while the controller isnt running) the entire "Ubiquiti UniFi" from user profile to another location.
Use a SymLink (for the entire installation)
Install the software (defaults to the running user profile folder - C:\Users\<username>\Ubiquiti Unifi
Create a service: Ubiquiti-Run-As-A-Service
Stop the service: command prompt --> net stop UniFi <enter>
Move (do not copy) the installation directory to where you want it "installed"
Return to the default installation parent path: cd C:\Users\<username>
Create a symlink: mklink /D "Ubiquiti UniFi" "<new location full path>"
Example mklink /D "Ubiquiti UniFi" "C:\Program Files\Ubiquiti UniFi"
Start the service: command prompt --> net start UniFi
To Upgrade in existing ubuntu installation, putty to the machine, run the following
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unifi -y
If you get stable InRelease' changed its 'Codename' value from xxx to xxx , run sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
After restoring a copy of our Hyper-V image of the controller, you first need to run sudo dpkg -P unifi Then reboot and reinstall sudo apt-get install unifi
Also the IP needs to be adjusted in netplan, renamed, and password changed to match client
the configfile for netplan is in /etc/netplan edit with nano
hostnamectl set-hostname new_host_name
sudo passwd titanadmin